The series Volti consists of nine photographic portraits that capture human figures with indecipherable, intense, and ethereal gazes. These figures, devoid of their hair and apparently out of time and space, seem to want to observe rather than to be observed. Consequently, these images manage to capture and retain the observer’s attention, without however allowing them to frame and immediately comprehend what is right in front of them, almost creating a sense of bewilderment.

The aesthetic defining the entire series seamlessly blends elements from the Sci-Fi world with the natural beauty of the human being. Intensive research into low-tech materials led to the creation of unusual clothing, prosthetics, and masks, applied to the portrayed subjects. The use of these elements may evoke conflicting emotions and suggestions in the observer, and the subtle equilibrium achieved by combining them, along with meticulous choices in poses, gazes, and lighting generates the uncertainty that pervades all the artworks.

The primary objective of the series is to stimulate a reflection on the inner necessity that each of us has to classify everything we perceive into predefined categories. As a result, the subjects captured here have blurred features, making the recognition of a male or female, an alien or human world, or a frightening or frightened state not immediately discernible. This complexity encourages a deeper, more imaginative observation of the nuances present in the world of Volti and urges us to question the usefulness of our compulsion to categorize them.